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Abraham Lincoln’s Beard

When Abraham Lincoln was first elected president in March 1861, he was a lanky and wrinkly man who was regarded as unapproachable and unattractive. Many papers during the time of his election benefitted off of commenting negatively on his appearance. Quickly after his election, however, he began to grow his facial hair out.

11 year-old Grace Bedell wrote to Abraham Lincoln from New York in October of 1860 (before the election) to tell him that growing a beard would make him look more presentable and approachable. She even mentioned that all the women would tease their husbands about voting for him because of his beard.

President Lincoln wrote back asking if it would be silly to suddenly start to grow a beard now. Silly or not, President Lincoln was seen first with a beard in January of 1861. In February of that same year, he visited New York and met Grace, telling her that he grew the facial hair out just for her.

Lo and behold, Abraham Lincoln’s beard was one of his most defining features.